Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sense of Urgency 9-13-08
One of my favorite movies is the World War II classic, Patton. It is the story of the greatest general in that war. In one part, the 101st airborne was surrounded by the Germans, and it looked as if they would have to surrender or die. George Patton’s 3rd army was one hundred miles away, in the middle of a furious battle, in the midst of a fierce winter snowstorm. Upon the news of the grave situation, Patton turned ninety degrees and drove his four divisions to rescue the 101st. In a great scene, an aid to Patton tries to persuade him to wait until the weather gets better to attack. Patton's response for all officers to hear was simple. "There are brave men dying out there! We are not going to wait one hour or one minute! And if we do not succeed, let us not come back alive! General Patton knew that the men of the 101st were trapped, and for every day that they waited, more soldiers would pay with their lives.
Just twenty minutes away from our homes, is the city of Watts, and there is a war going on. Gangs kill each other; people fight drug dependency, depression and its debilitating side effects. Hopelessness runs rampant. The innocent victims are the little children. Although when we visit them today, they smile and play, and are full of hope, but there will be a time down the road, when they get to middle school, they will be forced to join a gang or get beat up. It is not uncommon for the single parents to run out of money before the end of the month. At this time, either the mom and or the kids go hungry. Hence the Patton allegory.
But there is hope! And it comes in the form of Pastor Todd and his Wife Jennifer, who live in Watts-in the middle of the chaos. They have an action plan that is working today. Pastor Todd and Jennifer are so good at what they do, there are literally too many children to handle, and many have to be turned away.
Shannon, my children, and I are humbled by the volume of dedicated volunteers that go and serve the members of the Powerhouse Church one Sunday a month. We are equally humbled by the faith others have bestowed in us by contributing money so we may purchase good quality food for the hungry children. The families we serve learn that someone does indeed care about them. They learn that there is hope, and they have a bright future. It is exciting to meet and make many new friends in Watts.
God bless the Goers, the senders, the pray warriors, and the well-wishers. We feel each one is important in itself, and one is no better than the other. If no one goes, then nothing happens. If no one with money sends people, then the goers can’t go. If no one prays, then it is all a waste anyway. The well-wishers root us on with a note, or mentioning their interest in the people in Watts.
Tell us which great person you are? Tell us which one you are, so we don’t waste your time with emails your not interested in.
l Goers: They are the person that says “send me, I love going to Watts.” “I want to get my hands dirty.” “ I want to meet new friends that may last a lifetime.” God bless the goers.
l Sender: They want to pay the bill for the food and operations of the church. They say,” I can’t make it to Watts myself, but I’ll think this is a worthy cause, and I will pay to make it to happen.” God bless the senders.
l Prayers: They are the support for the goers and senders. They may not be able to either visit Watts, or be able to pay the bills, but they have a relationship so keen with God, that when they pray, the Lord listens. I like to be on the good side of those people. God bless the prayers.
l Well-wishers: They’re just interested in hearing what’s going on in Watts. God bless the well-wishers.
Pastor Todd and his wife Jennifer are so excited about your work for the Lord. They gain strength knowing you are working along side them in this labor.