Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Three Friends of the Inner City

One of my favorite photos is this one of Pastor Mark in Africa. He has dragged my kids all over the planet earth. He is the one who dragged me to Watts to meet Pastor Todd Grant and Jennifer Grant. They are three people who lead by example.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

At church there was a new single mom with her nine day old baby. She lives next door to the Powerhouse church. Some of the powerhouse church members helped carry the bed over to her house and set it up. Pastor Todd is in the back row, middle. Tiffany and Matt J. and Matt Hazelton and Erin and Colleen went with them.

The Watts Powerhouse church family and the Saint Andrews church family hanging out together.

Helping Hands! Thanks to the Blank's family,Tom and Kevin Cox, Matt Hazelton and Matt Janasov, and the Leidtke's!

This cute little guy is there every week. Sometimes he comes by himself.

Pastor Todd leading worship, standing by is Colleen Hamilton.

Food Box getting delivered

This is a food box that is being delivered to a family in Watts.

Sense of Urgency 9-13-08

One of my favorite movies is the World War II classic, Patton. It is the story of the greatest general in that war. In one part, the 101st airborne was surrounded by the Germans, and it looked as if they would have to surrender or die. George Patton’s 3rd army was one hundred miles away, in the middle of a furious battle, in the midst of a fierce winter snowstorm. Upon the news of the grave situation, Patton turned ninety degrees and drove his four divisions to rescue the 101st. In a great scene, an aid to Patton tries to persuade him to wait until the weather gets better to attack. Patton's response for all officers to hear was simple. "There are brave men dying out there! We are not going to wait one hour or one minute! And if we do not succeed, let us not come back alive! General Patton knew that the men of the 101st were trapped, and for every day that they waited, more soldiers would pay with their lives.

Just twenty minutes away from our homes, is the city of Watts, and there is a war going on. Gangs kill each other; people fight drug dependency, depression and its debilitating side effects. Hopelessness runs rampant. The innocent victims are the little children. Although when we visit them today, they smile and play, and are full of hope, but there will be a time down the road, when they get to middle school, they will be forced to join a gang or get beat up. It is not uncommon for the single parents to run out of money before the end of the month. At this time, either the mom and or the kids go hungry. Hence the Patton allegory.

But there is hope! And it comes in the form of Pastor Todd and his Wife Jennifer, who live in Watts-in the middle of the chaos. They have an action plan that is working today. Pastor Todd and Jennifer are so good at what they do, there are literally too many children to handle, and many have to be turned away.

Shannon, my children, and I are humbled by the volume of dedicated volunteers that go and serve the members of the Powerhouse Church one Sunday a month. We are equally humbled by the faith others have bestowed in us by contributing money so we may purchase good quality food for the hungry children. The families we serve learn that someone does indeed care about them. They learn that there is hope, and they have a bright future. It is exciting to meet and make many new friends in Watts.

God bless the Goers, the senders, the pray warriors, and the well-wishers. We feel each one is important in itself, and one is no better than the other. If no one goes, then nothing happens. If no one with money sends people, then the goers can’t go. If no one prays, then it is all a waste anyway. The well-wishers root us on with a note, or mentioning their interest in the people in Watts.

Tell us which great person you are? Tell us which one you are, so we don’t waste your time with emails your not interested in.

l Goers: They are the person that says “send me, I love going to Watts.” “I want to get my hands dirty.” “ I want to meet new friends that may last a lifetime.” God bless the goers.

l Sender: They want to pay the bill for the food and operations of the church. They say,” I can’t make it to Watts myself, but I’ll think this is a worthy cause, and I will pay to make it to happen.” God bless the senders.

l Prayers: They are the support for the goers and senders. They may not be able to either visit Watts, or be able to pay the bills, but they have a relationship so keen with God, that when they pray, the Lord listens. I like to be on the good side of those people. God bless the prayers.

l Well-wishers: They’re just interested in hearing what’s going on in Watts. God bless the well-wishers.

Pastor Todd and his wife Jennifer are so excited about your work for the Lord. They gain strength knowing you are working along side them in this labor.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Flournoy Elementary School-Watts, CA

An exciting opportunity exists to help a second grade class comprising of 22 seven and eight year olds to become world-class students and citizens. They already have a highly qualified teacher, Jessica Jones, who holds a masters degree and a teaching certificate for both elementary and high school. She is excited about the new school year and is ready for the challenges that lie ahead. All we have to do is assist her where needed.

Unfortunately, many hurdles have been placed in front of these bright young minds. Although the children receive a government provided breakfast and lunch, they often do not eat until the next morning. Some children will need shoes, a winter jacket, or a backpack.

Ms. Jones 2nd grade wish list includes the following:

  1. Backpacks (8)
  2. Jackets (8)
  3. Cup-a-noodles, instant “mac n cheese”, granola bars, and juice boxes.

Ms. Jones could use some teaching tools to assist her in providing the best education available to her kids.

Her teaching tools wish list includes the following:

1. Computer with monitor SUPPLIED!
3. 22 Pencil cases SUPPLIED!
4. Used laptop
5. Used projector to hook up to the laptop

Storytellers needed

One of the most important requests is to have adults read to the class. Several individuals, from law enforcement, fire fighters, and airline pilots have already volunteered to visit the class and read to the students. Besides learning about reading, the children will also learn about jobs that exist for them in the future. The children will also become aware that there are people that care about them, and their future is bright. It will take some food, some equipment, and some elbow grease.

Come Along

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here we go!

Hi everyone

This blog is to keep you up to date with the good news happening with the Watts Powerhouse Church.

Some history
The church is led by Pastor Todd Grant and his wife Jenny. They live down the street from the center which is located adjacent to the Imperial Gardens Housing Project. The main cross streets are the 105 freeway and the Wilmington off ramp.
I first met Pastor Todd in April while checking out venues for our youth choir to sing at this summer. My wife, Shannon, and our Youth pastor, Rob Pene were looking for a way to participate in a urban ministry that we could continue for a long time. Shannon was called out of town, and asked me to visit the center in her place. So, I went kicking and screaming with Pastor Mark, Rob Pene, and Matt Janasov, all from St Andrews Presbyterian in Redondo Beach, to a place I did not want to go, and to meet someone I didn't want to meet. So we get there, and this guy with a great big smile greets us, and its Pastor Todd.

Washington DC-LA
When Shannon is in Washington DC, she attends the Capital Life Church, a predominantly white yuppy church that meets in a office tower auditorium on Sunday mornings. Their pastor, Bill Schuler, befriended a pastor, Bishop Martin, from the RRRC church located in the inner city of DC. The two churches ultimately became sister churches, with the CLC providing financial aid and prayer. Bishop Martin and Pastor Schuler are two great men.

a bright idea

The more I don't want to go to church, the greater the chance the sermon is exactly what I need to hear. The same law of life applies when my wife has a idea concerning the Lord. So as usual, her nudging was correct, and I was supposed to be in Watts, and this Pastor Todd guy was an important man to meet. It was during the meeting that morning in Watts that the Lord suddenly reminded me of Pastor Schuler and Bishop Martin and the RRRC church in DC. I told the story and blurted out "lets do the same thing here!" and Pastor Mark replied in his loud voice,"I agree!" Rob and Matt must of been thinking, "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHAT DID THEY DO WITH RUSS?!

it's started, there's no turning back

The food bank is now one month old, and we have had the honor of providing twenty food boxes to members of the Powerhouse Church. Around fifteen people from St. Andrews, including two families, delivered the food boxes and served lunch after the Sunday service. In addition, a bed was donated to a new mom who attends the church and lives nearby. High school and college members of each church walked the bed around the block to the to new mom's home.

come along...

Life is exciting when you invest in the lives of others. You can come along with us too.